At some point of your life, you must have heard someone saying, “Give your best at your school and your life is set after that”. Once you finish your school and just when you thought it’s all over, you are pushed with a greater force toward the next milestone. Some of you are driven by this push and strive for the next one. But most of you give up on the drive as you feel this as a bait and is never ending. Come, let’s settle this once for all. The technique that was used on you is Delayed Gratification. It’s just delaying the reward or immediate pleasure as much as possible for the work that you are putting in now.
Delayed Gratification can work wonders in helping you achieve your goals. Looking to lose weight? – Delay eating that cake! Trying to crack a job? – The Soccer Match can wait!
Now, you don’t have to always rely on someone to keep pushing you towards the next Milestone. Here are 3 simple steps through which you can leverage the mighty strength of Delayed Gratification by yourself to propel your productivity:
Stop seeing an Imaginary Finish Line – Let’s come to terms with it - There’s no Finish Line. There are only milestones, and your job is to hop from one to another. If someone tells you that you need not hustle after a certain milestone, they are just lying. So, set targets and delay gratifying yourself as much as possible for achieving those targets.
Focus on the Result and not Reward – Once you delay the reward to a later point, you get to focus totally on the Result with very little distractions. You see that you are managing your time much better than before without spending a single dime on the Time Management courses! There’s no better way to give your best shot at the Result with Reward out of the way.
Finally, reward yourself and it’s just a Pitstop – Once you achieve your goal, treat yourself with your reward and a short break. It’s just a pitstop so wrap it up fast because it is time for the next lap again. Remember Step 1 – “There is no Finish Line”
Next time when someone in your life says, “Work hard for this final milestone and you don’t ever have to after that”, remember that this is a race without a Finish Line, and you now know how to Win it Everywhere! #DelayedGratification
Are you still looking for more motivation? Look how some of these little champs have aced Delayed Gratification
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